Going Beyond
the Frame
Run Easy
Week 4
Rest & Recovery
"Andre Dawson (The Hawk - professional baseball player) has a bruised knee and is listed as day to day. Aren't we all?"
Vin Scully, actor
The Weekly Preamble
Get notes, techniques and quick tips to help you feel your best and get the most out of your runs each week. Read this section before you get started with your weekly workouts.
Coach's Notes
You've come a long way since Week 1 – way to go! You've earned a break.
Familiar workouts and no brisk intervals this week
Resist the temptation to do more, even if you want to – you'll be back building again next week
Keep your pace comfortable, don't overdo it, and have confidence in where you're at!
Quick Tips
How are you feeling? Be honest with yourself.
Most discomforts subside as your body adjusts to the workload – that's why this recovery week is important
If you're experiencing any discomfort, check out the this week's detailed coaching advice

Training Schedule
Week 4
Total time: 40 minutes
Walk comfortably for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 30 minutes.
Alternate 1 minute easy shuffle with 1 minute athletic walk.
Walk for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 30 minutes
Walk slow & easy for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run easy peasy for 25 minutes.
Alternate 4 min running with 1 min walking.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.
Total time: 34 minutes
Walk slow & easy for 5 minutes.
Include dynamic stretches.
Run for 24 minutes.
Alternate 5 min talking-pace running with 1 min walking.
Walk slow and easy for 5 minutes.
Static stretches to finish.

More on cross training ideas next week! For now, enjoy an easier pace. You've earned it.
Smiles and have a great week!
Coach Lynn